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How to Setup a SSL Certificate in Citrix Secure Gateway on Windows

How to Setup a SSL Certificate in Citrix Secure Gateway on Windows

Citrix Secure Gateway is a great software as it will let you control your web applications remotely. This means that even when you are using a mobile device only, you can access your applications and update them. This is the reason why you need to protect your connection and your websites. Because this can be used to connect to your web applications, you need to make it secured so that you will prevent third party attacks and other threats that can not only cause damage but can also ruin all of your works. Thus, knowing how to setup a SSL Certificate in Citrix Secure Gateway on Windows is important. And if you want to know more about it, read the instructions below.

Setting Up SSL Certificates on Citrix Secure Gateway 

Here is a simple guide on how you can install certificates on Citrix using Windows IIS server. You can use any version of IIS as long as it is compatible with Citrix.

The first thing that you need to do to accomplish this task is to download the certificate files that you are going to install on the IIS server. You can get it from the email that was sent to you by the certificate authority that you purchased the certificate from. The files can either be found at the email itself or at a link provided at the email.

After downloading the files, you need to save then somewhere safe. You can create a folder that you will be able to access easily to make the task easier.

You need to install the certificate on a Windows IIS server to make the SSL Certificate work on Citrix. Just go to IIS and install the certificate. Depending on the version of your IIS software, you need to follow slightly different instructions to accomplish this task before continuing to the next step, configuring Citrix.

After installing the certificate on IIS, you need to open the Citrix software by clicking Citrix on ‘Programs ‘on the start menu located at the Desktop of your computer. Select Secure Gateway then click on Secure Gateway Service Configuration. Then, choose ‘Metaframe Server XP’ then hit ‘OK’.

On the ‘Configuration Level’ option, choose ’Typical’ then hit ‘Next’. After that, choose the certificate that you want to use from your certificate list. The certificate will be on the list because you have already installed it on IIS. After clicking ‘Next’ and completing the wizard, you can now restart the Secure Gateway Service so that the changes will apply and your SSL Certificate will work properly.

SSL Certificates are a great tool in protecting not only websites but also web connections. Because of this, knowing how to setup a SSL Certificate in Citrix Secure Gateway on Windows is quite an advantage for webmasters and programmers as well as business people that use the Internet to promote their company and products and to provide services online.