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How to Install A SSL Certificate for a Multi-Site Drupal Website

How to Install A SSL Certificate for a Multi-Site Drupal Website

There are times when business websites installed on Drupal through multi-site installation require SSL Certificates. Depending on your needs and preferences, you might need to know how to install a SSL Certificate for a multi-site Drupal website. This can be tricky since SSL Certificates are known to only work on a single IP Address, which means that multi-site installations using the same IP Address cannot use the same SSL Certificate for protection.

There is a workaround to this common dilemma, though. This solution might involve a higher level security SSL Certificate. This kind of certificate allows you to install a certificate for your subdomains without any conflicts with your main domain, which is the main domain of your Drupal multi-site.

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Use a Wildcard SSL Certificate

A Wildcard SSL Certificate enables multi-sites to be protected using the same SSL Certificate without showing warning that the said certificate is already installed or affiliated with another domain. This prevents alarming warnings on websites that keep visitors away who think that your website is a duplicate site phishing for customer info.

This higher level certificate is one of the best options on how you can have an SSL Certificate for your multi-site Drupal website, though; it costs more than the regular or basic certificate available for single domain websites, which seems worth it considering its advantages.

Tips on Using Wildcard SSL Certificates

If you are using a Wildcard SSL Certificate for your multi-site, follow the tips below:

When you have decided to use a Wildcard Certificate to keep yourself from installing different certificates for your Drupal multi-site, use a trusted SSL Certificate authority to assist you with your purchase and installation. This will allow you to have all of your domains protected with this kind of certificate without creating issues with your main domain.

GoDaddy and Symantec are two of the best SSL Certificate authorities today, which will help you with your installation issues. Since multi-sites can encounter a lot of issues with certificates, it would be best to choose the most trusted companies for assistance.

Another thing that you should look into when trying to install an SSL Certificate on multi-sites is to use SecurePages.module on your certificates. This will ensure that your Wildcard SSL Certificate is protecting all of your multi-site Drupal subdomains without causing conflict on your main domain.

When it comes to securing multi-installed websites on Drupal, using the right type of SSL Certificate is important. SSL Certificates work on the IP Address of a website or domain. Using a regular certificate on multi-site installation would not be possible and will cause warnings on the subdomains. Hence, it would be best to try out GoDaddy or Symantec Wildcard SSL Certificates and see which one you will like best. They are the best in terms of SSL Certificate configuration and maintenance so feel free to contact them and get instructions on how you can use a single certificate on a multi-site Drupal website.