Buy SSL Certificate

AWS EC2 SSL Certificate

Best AWS EC2 SSL Certificate

Knowing how to setup SSL Certificate in AWS EC2 and determining the best AWS EC2 SSL certificate is important as this will enable you to easily install the SSL Certificate without encountering problems during the installation process.

You can purchase and install an SSL Certificate easily without any problems when you follow proper instructions accurately. Make sure that you follow the instructions precisely as AWS requirements are strict and a small error can lead to error messages that will make the installation a hassle and a pain in the neck.

Installing SSL Certificate on AWS EC2

Before you can install as SSL Certificate on Amazon AWS EC2, you should purchase an SSL Certificate from your chosen certificate authority. But as usual, you won’t get your certificate copy unless you submit a Certificate Signing Request on the certificate authority where you have purchased your certificate. Thus, you need to generate a CSR before you can download and use the SSL Certificate that you will upload on AWS EC2.

You can use OpenSSL CSR Creation software to generate your Certificate Signing Request. The tool will provide you with the necessary command shell that you need to execute after proper editing. You will see a command line like this:

openssl req -new -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -out subdomain_domain_com.csr -keyout

subdomain_domain_com.key -subj “/C=US/ST=Texas/L=Las


If you haven’t purchased an SSL Certificate before you have created a Certificate Signing Request, you can do so now. After your purchase, you can submit the CSR to your preferred certificate authority so that you can download the certificate copy that you have just purchased.

You will likely receive three files: the Root Certificate, the Intermediate Certificate Bundle and the Certificate Chain File. Make sure that you save these files, including the third one if it is also provided, as you will need this during the installation of your certificate.

Save the file somewhere safe and accessible so that you can easily retrieve it. Also, you can protect your certificate file from third party entities when you put it on a safe directory on your computer.

After you have submitted the CSR and downloaded the SSL Certificate, you can start uploading it on AWS EC2. You can do so by setting your virtual host by executing the command below:

VirtualHost *:443>
    DocumentRoot /var/www/project/webroot
    SSLCertificatekeyFile /etc/apache2/keys/subdomain_domain_com.key
    SSLCertificateFile /etc/apache2/crts/subdomain_domain_com.crt
    SSLCertificateChainFile /etc/apache2/crts/chain.crt

The port where the virtual hosting operates in the example above is 443 but it was originally 80. The port was changed so that the error message that states invalid method request will be avoided.

When installing an SSL Certificate, you might be asked to provide the Certificate Chain file so make sure that you keep it somewhere safe when you download the certificate file from your chosen certificate authority. Also, make sure that you secure your private key so that you will protect your website from entities that will wish to access your certificate without your knowledge. Make sure that you do not share this kind of information with anyone so that you can keep your certificates safe and secured.


Best AWS EC2 SSL Certificate| Placing SSL Certificate on AWS EC2